Poet's Voice (GB) 2007

b. H. v. Dubawi - Bright Tiara (Chief's Crown)

Poet's Voice (GB) 2007
Nicht aktiv
Gr. I-Sieg
b. (braun)
Dubawi (IRE) 2002
Bright Tiara (USA) 1989
Darley Stud Management Inc.
Godolphin SNC
verstarb im März 2018 an einer Herzattacke


Gr. I-Sieg
Name Besitzer
Poet's Word bei seinem Sieg in den Prince of Wales's Stakes. www.galoppfoto.de Poet's Word (IRE) 2013
b. H. v. Poet's Voice - Whirly Bird (Nashwan)
Saeed Suhail
Gr. I-Platz
Name Besitzer
One Voice (IRE) 2017 One Voice (IRE) 2017
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Zaaqya (Nayef)
Craig Bermick
Gr. II-Sieg
Name Besitzer
Sand Zabeel Juli 2017  Foto: www.Rennstall-Woehler.de Sand Zabeel (IRE) 2015
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Samira Gold (Gold Away)
Jaber Abdullah
Summer Festival (GB) 2015 Summer Festival (GB) 2015
db. H. v. Poet's Voice - Kammaan (Diktat)
Dioscuri SRL
Gestatten: Poetic Dream , Mehl-Mühlens Sieger 2017 - Foto: Dr. Jens Fuchs Poetic Dream (IRE) 2014
b. H. v. Poet's Voice - Zain Al Boldan (Poliglote)
Gr. II-Platz
Name Besitzer
Georgios mit Sibylle Vogt nach dem Sieg im Ferdinand Leisten-Memorial, ©galoppfoto - Sabrina Doll Georgios (GER) 2019
F. W. v. Poet's Voice - Gotia (Teofilo)
Gestüt Ebbesloh
Arctic Sound (GB) 2016 Arctic Sound (GB) 2016
b. H. v. Poet's Voice - Polar Circle (Royal Academy)
Al-Ghuraban Stables
Gr. III-Sieg
Name Besitzer
Mi Raccomando (GB) 2014 Mi Raccomando (GB) 2014
db. St. v. Poet's Voice - Maschera d'Oro (Mtoto)
Effevi SNC
Poet's Vanity (GB) 2014 Poet's Vanity (GB) 2014
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Vanity (Thatching)
M.E. Wates
Poeta Diletto (GB) 2013 Poeta Diletto (GB) 2013
F. H. v. Poet's Voice - Mia Dileta (Selkirk)
Scuderia Blueberry Srl
Voice of Love (IRE) 2013 Voice of Love (IRE) 2013
F. H. v. Poet's Voice - Snowfield (Tale of the Cat)
Effevi SNC
Gr. III-Platz
Name Besitzer
Im kleinen Fünferfeld im Dortmunder 2yo-Maiden überlegen: Near Poet siegt mit Martin Seidl mit einem Vorsprung von 6 Längen. www.galoppfoto.de - Stephanie Gruttmann Near Poet (GER) 2017
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Near Galante (Galileo)
Song of Life (GB) 2014 Song of Life (GB) 2014
db. St. v. Poet's Voice - Sign of Life (Haafhd)
Guido W.H. Schmitt
Name Besitzer
Whitman  (GB) 2013 Whitman (GB) 2013
db. H. v. Poet's Voice - Sundrop (Sunday Silence)
Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sonstige Siege
Name Besitzer
Miss Bella Brand (GB) 2018 Miss Bella Brand (GB) 2018
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Miss Toldyaso (Barathea)
Robin A.G. Robinson/GB
Barakatle (GB) 2017 Barakatle (GB) 2017
Sch. W. v. Poet's Voice - Baraket Fayrouz (Barathea)
Rashit Shaykhutdinov
Picanto (GER) 2017 Picanto (GER) 2017
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Pourquoi (Dai Jin)
Karin Brieskorn
Assisi's Tryst siegt mit Filip Minarik am 22.9.2019 in Köln - Foto: Dr. Jens Fuchs Assisi's Tryst (GER) 2016
b. St. Poet's Voice - Assisi (Galileo)

1 Sieg (3 Starts, Gewinnsumme € 4.000)

Gestüt Schlenderhan
Dantes Mai 2018  Foto: www.rennstall-woehler.de Dantes (GER) 2016
schwb. W. v. Poet's Voice - Diaccia (High Chaparral)
Sicario (GER) 2016 Sicario (GER) 2016
b. H. v. Poet's Voice - Suzanita (Lomitas)

1 Sieg in Polen

Ryszard Zielinski
Vaerya (GB) 2016 Vaerya (GB) 2016
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Bravia (Shamardal)
Steffen Molks
Emilia James (GB) 2015 Emilia James (GB) 2015
F. St. v. Poet's Voice - Dozy (Exceed and Excel)
James Property Ltd
Grimbeau (FR) 2015 Grimbeau (FR) 2015
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Guarnerie (Soldier Of Fortune)
Stall Waidmannsheil
Bocelli siegt am 2.11.2019 in Mülheim - Foto: Dr. Jens Fuchs Bocelli (GB) 2014
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Indian Love Bird (Efisio)
Stephanie Rank
Clenymistra (IRE) 2014 Clenymistra (IRE) 2014
F. St. v. Poet's Voice - Expedience (With Approval)
Stall Molenhof
Conistone mit Jozef Bojko nach dem Sieg am 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag in Mülheim. www.galoppfoto.de - Stephanie Gruttmann Conistone (GB) 2014
F. St. v. Poet's Voice - Protectress (Hector Protector)
Luisa Stephanie Steudle
Nijoom Star Februar 2016  Foto: www.Rennstall-Woehler.de Nijoom Star (IRE) 2014
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Nijoom Dubai (Noverre)
Jaber Abdullah
Nomia (GER) 2014 Nomia (GER) 2014
F. St. v. Poet's Voice - Nianga (Lomitas)

3 Siege, 9 Plätze (40 Starts, Gewinnsumme € 16.677)

Bostar (GB) 2013 Bostar (GB) 2013
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Snow Gretel (Green Desert)
Khamry (GB) 2013 Khamry (GB) 2013
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Poppets Sweetlove (Foxhound)
Stall Emoji
Poet's Rock (FR) 2013 Poet's Rock (FR) 2013
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Tropical Glamour (Rock of Gibraltar)
Stall JarDa-Vana
Reine Des Miracles (GB) 2013 Reine Des Miracles (GB) 2013
db. St. v. Poet's Voice - Cheerleader (Singspiel)
Erwin Hinzmann
Voices of Kings (GB) 2013 Voices of Kings (GB) 2013
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Khubza (Green Desert)
Selina Spurk
Wahiba August 2015  Foto: www.Rennstall-Woehler.de Wahiba (GER) 2013
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Walayta (Oasis Dream)
Sonstige Platzierungen
Name Besitzer
Ideal Grace (GB) 2016 Ideal Grace (GB) 2016
F. St. v. Poet's Voice - Sunday Bess (Deep Impact)
Rennstall Arenzo
You Wish (GB) 2013 You Wish (GB) 2013
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Dignify (Rainbow Quest)
Stall Grey Goose
Noch nicht gelaufen
Name Besitzer
Extreme d'O (GER) 2016 Extreme d'O (GER) 2016
b. H. v. Poet's Voice - Enterprising (Dansili)
Sydney Vidal
Heart Power (GB) 2015 Heart Power (GB) 2015
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Miss Pinkerton (Danehill)
Dr. Ali Ridha
N. N. v. Poet's Voice - Andarta  (GER) 2015 N. N. v. Poet's Voice - Andarta (GER) 2015
F. H. v. Poet's Voice - Andarta (Platini)
Thomas Gehrig
Speedy Falcon Juli 2017  Foto: www.Rennstall-Woehler.de Speedy Falcon (GB) 2015
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Silver Touch (Dansili)
Jaber Abdullah
Gray Touch Oktober 2015 Foto: www.Rennstall-Woehler.de Gray Touch (FR) 2014
Sch. H. v. Poet's Voice - Naseem Alyasmeen (Clodovil)
N. N. v. Poet's Voice - Atiara (GER) 2013 N. N. v. Poet's Voice - Atiara (GER) 2013
F. H. v. Poet's Voice - Atiara (Pivotal)
eingegangen am 26.04.2013
Gestüt Hof Ittlingen
Nicht gelaufen
Name Besitzer
Boca del Loro (GB) 2015 Boca del Loro (GB) 2015
b. W. v. Poet's Voice - Mexicali (Tiger Hill)
Nicht bekannt
Name Besitzer
Chapelli  (GB) 2016 Chapelli (GB) 2016
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Indian Petal (Singspiel)
Gregoraci (FR) 2013 Gregoraci (FR) 2013
R. St. v. Poet's Voice - Gaudera (Big Shuffle)
Just For Show (IRE) 2013 Just For Show (IRE) 2013
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Starchy (Cadeaux Genereux)
Middle Creek (GB) 2013 Middle Creek (GB) 2013
b. St. v. Poet's Voice - Mezzogiorno (Unfuwain)
Polymnia (GB) 2013 Polymnia (GB) 2013
db. St. v. Poet's Voice - Lucky Token (Key Of Luck)

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