Sunday Silence (USA) 1986

Sunday Silence (USA) 1986
Nicht bekannt


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Gr. I-Sieg
Name Besitzer
Fusaichi Pandora (JPN) 2003 Fusaichi Pandora (JPN) 2003
F. St. v. Sunday Silence - Lotta Lace (Nureyev)
Deep Impact (JPN) 2002 Deep Impact (JPN) 2002
b. H. v. Sunday Silence - Wind in Her Hair (Alzao)
Kaneko Makoto Holdings Co. Ltd.
Daiwa Major (JPN) 2001 Daiwa Major (JPN) 2001
F. H. v. Sunday Silence - Scarlet Bouquet (Northern TAste)
Heart's Cry (JPN) 2001 Heart's Cry (JPN) 2001
Im März 2023 eingegangen.
Shadai Race Horse Co.Ltd.
Heavenly Romance (JPN) 2000 Heavenly Romance (JPN) 2000
b. St. v. Sunday Silence - First Act (Sadler's Wells)
North Hills Management
Peace of World (JPN) 2000 Peace of World (JPN) 2000
b. St. v. Sunday Silence - Vivante Meule (Caerleon)
Gold Allure (JPN) 1999 Gold Allure (JPN) 1999
F. H. v. Sunday Silence - Nikiya (Nureyev)
Shadai Farm
Stay Gold - Sieger in der Hong Kong Vase 2001. - Frank Sorge Stay Gold (JPN) 1994
b. H. v. Sunday Silence - Golden Sash (Dictus)
Gr. I-Platz
Name Besitzer
To The Victory (JPN) 1996 To The Victory (JPN) 1996
St. v. Sunday Silence - Fairy Doll (
Gr. II-Sieg
Name Besitzer
Black Tide (JPN) 2001 Black Tide (JPN) 2001
b. H. v. Sunday Silence - Wind In Her Hair (Alzao)
Sonstige Siege
Name Besitzer
Maruka Candy (JPN) 1996 Maruka Candy (JPN) 1996
db. St. v. Sunday Silence - Gina Romantica (Secreto)
Fuji Kiseki  (JPN) 1992 Fuji Kiseki (JPN) 1992
Haya Beni Komchi (JPN) 1992 Haya Beni Komchi (JPN) 1992
Keine Platzierungen
Name Besitzer
Sun Is Up (JPN) 1998 Sun Is Up (JPN) 1998
db. St. v. Sunday Silence - Moon is Up (Woodman)
Nicht bekannt
Name Besitzer
Alessandria (GB) 2003 Alessandria (GB) 2003
b. St. v. Sunday Silence - Tereshkova (Mr. Prospector)
Peer Gynt (JPN) 2002 Peer Gynt (JPN) 2002
b. H. v. Sunday Silence - Twinkle Bride (Lyphard)
Great Journey (JPN) 2001 Great Journey (JPN) 2001
Seven Moons (JPN) 2000 Seven Moons (JPN) 2000
St. v. Sunday Silence - Moon Is Up (Woodman)
Miscast (JPN) 1998 Miscast (JPN) 1998
b. H. v. Sunday Silence - North Flight (Tony Bin)
Divine Light (JPN) 1995 Divine Light (JPN) 1995
Dance in the Dark (JPN) 1993 Dance in the Dark (JPN) 1993
Assam Hill (JPN) 1992 Assam Hill (JPN) 1992
b. St. v. Sunday Silence - Tea Break (Northern Taste)

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