Titel |
2024-03-30, Meydan, 9. R. - Dubai World Cup, 12. Platz, Military Law (GB) 2015 |
2024-03-02, Meydan, 6. R. - Al Maktoum Classic, 1. Platz, Military Law (GB) 2015 |
2024-01-26, Meydan, 6. R. - Al Maktoum Challenge, 6. Platz, Military Law (GB) 2015 |
2023-03-04, Meydan, 3. R. - Burj Nahar, 14. Platz, Secret Ambition (GB) 2013 |
2023-03-04, Meydan, 6. R. - Al Maktoum Challenge Rd 3, 11. Platz, Military Law (GB) 2015 |
2023-02-03, Meydan, 5. R. - Al Maktoum Challenge Rd 2, 7. Platz, Military Law (GB) 2015 |
2023-01-06, Meydan, 5. R. - Al Maktoum Challenge Rd 1, 4. Platz, Secret Ambition (GB) 2013 |
2022-03-26, Meydan, 2. R. - Godolphin Mile, 11. Platz, Secret Ambition (GB) 2013 |
2022-02-26, Riad, 8. R. - The Saudi Cup, 7. Platz, Secret Ambition (GB) 2013 |
2022-01-14, Meydan, 5. R. - Al Maktoum Challenge Rd 1, 2. Platz, Secret Ambition (GB) 2013 |
2021-03-27, Meydan, 2. R. - Godolphin Mile, 1. Platz, Secret Ambition (GB) 2013 |
2021-03-06, Meydan, 6. R. - Al Maktoum Challenge Rd 3, 5. Platz, Secret Ambition (GB) 2013 |
2021-02-20, Riad, 8. R. - The Saudi Cup, 6. Platz, Military Law (GB) 2015 |
2021-02-04, Meydan, 4. R. - Firebreak Stakes, 1. Platz, Secret Ambition (GB) 2013 |
2021-01-21, Meydan, 5. R. - Al Maktoum Challenge Rd 1, 1. Platz, Military Law (GB) 2015 |
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